Wubb Cookies!

Posted on by BOB BOYLE

Many thanks to Thyjuan Rosario of Inspirations By Thyjuan for sending me a box of awesome Wubbzy cookies!

They look great. They taste delicious. And if you eat them you'll get super powers!
My niece ate one and now she has the ability to talk to donkeys.
Well, I didn't say that they would be good super powers.

Oh, poor Wubbzy cookie!

If you want cool cookies (and super powers!) go here- http://inspirationsbythyjuan.blogspot.com/

Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!
And more thanks to the hip Australian site Babyology for the nice post on Hugo - babyology.com.au/sunday-arts/hu…

A cool site like that makes me wish I was an Australian mom!